Night bus from Istanbul to Safranbolu

Night bus from Istanbul to Safranbolu Night buses directly from Istanbul to Safranbolu Town on western black sea region

If you are a regular traveler you will have basically two options if your destination is Safranbolu from Istanbul.

Either very early in the morning so that you can arrive there afternoon, or late night (midnight to be exact) so that you can arrival very early in the morning (about 6 am) to save from the day light

The distance is about 450 kilometers and it takes about 6 hours on regular buses from Istanbul


Day and night buses from Istanbul to Safranbolu

There are about 10 buses carrying travelers from Istanbul to Safranbolu on a given day.

Most of the travelers prefers the overnight bus which leaves Istanbul about mid-night and arrives at Safranbolu early in the morning.

The bus will make 1 or 2 stops on the way each for about 20~30 minutes so that passengers can use bathrooms or have some time to drink or eat something at the stoped by restaurants 


 Most preferred bus Companies

  • Metro Turizm 
  • Safranbolu Turizm (the local main bus company for the destination)
  • Istanbul Seyahat
  • Ulusoy Turizm